Thursday, March 31, 2011
GM Reportedly Readying Buick Version of Opel Ampera

Sure, the Opel Ampera is nothing more than a Chevrolet Volt with some extremely mild cosmetic changes, but doppelgangers have always had a very special place in the wonderful world of General Motors. If Bloomberg’s inside sources are right, GM is currently looking into the development of a Buick-badged version of the plug-in hybrid Opel Ampera. According to people familiar with the project, the Buick model could go on sale in 2013, if the plans goes ahead.
Given that the styling changes over the Chevrolet Volt would be limited to a Buick-specific grille and bumper designs, one of the most significant problems GM faces is how to justify the car and its higher price tag which would be in excess of the Volt’s base MSRP of US$41,000 not including a $7,500 federal tax credit.
GM Reportedly Readying Buick Version of Opel Ampera

Sure, the Opel Ampera is nothing more than a Chevrolet Volt with some extremely mild cosmetic changes, but doppelgangers have always had a very special place in the wonderful world of General Motors. If Bloomberg’s inside sources are right, GM is currently looking into the development of a Buick-badged version of the plug-in hybrid Opel Ampera. According to people familiar with the project, the Buick model could go on sale in 2013, if the plans goes ahead.
Given that the styling changes over the Chevrolet Volt would be limited to a Buick-specific grille and bumper designs, one of the most significant problems GM faces is how to justify the car and its higher price tag which would be in excess of the Volt’s base MSRP of US$41,000 not including a $7,500 federal tax credit.
Stunning Chevrolet Mi-ray Roadster Concept Premieres at Seoul Motor Show

GM's Korean subsidiary lifted the wraps off the Mi-ray hybrid roadster concept at the 2011 Seoul Motor Show today, as a tribute to Chevrolet's 100th anniversary this year. The aggressive-looking Mi-ray (which means “future” in Korean) was developed by the GM Advanced Design Studio in Seoul and pays homage to the bow-tie brand's sports car heritage.
The roadster uses styling cues from Chevy's 1963 Monza SS and the 1962 Corvair Super Spyder, but also from aircrafts, with its aerodynamic fuselage being reminiscent of modern jet fighters. Elements like the scissor-doors, the pronounced wheel-arches and the sharp front bumper add further drama to the Mi-ray's appearance.
The car's bodywork is made of lightweight materials such as carbon fiber and carbon fiber reinforced plastics, while the turbine-shaped wheels (20-inch front/21-inch rear) are made of aluminum-carbon fiber composite.
Read more »Stunning Chevrolet Mi-ray Roadster Concept Premieres at Seoul Motor Show

GM's Korean subsidiary lifted the wraps off the Mi-ray hybrid roadster concept at the 2011 Seoul Motor Show today, as a tribute to Chevrolet's 100th anniversary this year. The aggressive-looking Mi-ray (which means “future” in Korean) was developed by the GM Advanced Design Studio in Seoul and pays homage to the bow-tie brand's sports car heritage.
The roadster uses styling cues from Chevy's 1963 Monza SS and the 1962 Corvair Super Spyder, but also from aircrafts, with its aerodynamic fuselage being reminiscent of modern jet fighters. Elements like the scissor-doors, the pronounced wheel-arches and the sharp front bumper add further drama to the Mi-ray's appearance.
The car's bodywork is made of lightweight materials such as carbon fiber and carbon fiber reinforced plastics, while the turbine-shaped wheels (20-inch front/21-inch rear) are made of aluminum-carbon fiber composite.
Read more »Heico Sportiv Redoes the Volvo XC90 SUV, Launches New Styling Package

Seeing that Volvo will be holding on to the XC90, which has been in production since 2002, for a few more years, tuning firm Heico Sportiv decided to update its styling offerings for the crossover model.
The newly developed bodykit is made from PUR-R-RIM plastic and consists of six parts. These include new front apron that replaces the series-produced central and side panels and has a stainless steel stay located in front of the cooling air outlet, side skirts that are mounted on top of the original parts and a new rear apron that accommodates the four-pipe sports exhaust system with oval chrome end tips.
Read more »Heico Sportiv Redoes the Volvo XC90 SUV, Launches New Styling Package

Seeing that Volvo will be holding on to the XC90, which has been in production since 2002, for a few more years, tuning firm Heico Sportiv decided to update its styling offerings for the crossover model.
The newly developed bodykit is made from PUR-R-RIM plastic and consists of six parts. These include new front apron that replaces the series-produced central and side panels and has a stainless steel stay located in front of the cooling air outlet, side skirts that are mounted on top of the original parts and a new rear apron that accommodates the four-pipe sports exhaust system with oval chrome end tips.
Read more »Kia Unveils Naimo EV Concept at Seoul Motor Show

Making its world premiere today at the at the Seoul Motor Show, is Kia’s Naimo electric crossover utility vehicle (CUV), a B-segment sized concept car that will serve as a test-bed for the company's EV technology. Penned by Kia's international design team in Seoul, the car takes its name from the Korean word “Ne-mo”, which is pronounced ‘Neh-mo’ and means ‘square shape.
Read more »Kia Unveils Naimo EV Concept at Seoul Motor Show

Making its world premiere today at the at the Seoul Motor Show, is Kia’s Naimo electric crossover utility vehicle (CUV), a B-segment sized concept car that will serve as a test-bed for the company's EV technology. Penned by Kia's international design team in Seoul, the car takes its name from the Korean word “Ne-mo”, which is pronounced ‘Neh-mo’ and means ‘square shape.
Read more »Anderson Germany Treats the Ferrari GTB Fiorano with Subtle Power and Styling Upgrades

There’s so much you can do to improve a supercar like the Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano, but tuning specialist Anderson Germany believes it has some goods to offer with its new program for the Italian model.
Read more »Anderson Germany Treats the Ferrari GTB Fiorano with Subtle Power and Styling Upgrades

There’s so much you can do to improve a supercar like the Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano, but tuning specialist Anderson Germany believes it has some goods to offer with its new program for the Italian model.
Read more »Keanehan Di Danau Galilee

mungkin terlihat seperti danau biasa
tapi coba liat yang dibawah ini

masih belom jelas? kalo dirubah sudut padangnya jadi begini

Tips Trick Membuat Game House Dimainkannya Tidak Terbatas
Untuk dapat meng-crack game tersebut, kita memerlukan alat-alatnya, yaitu diantaranya:
1. PC atau Laptop
2. Game yang sudah kita download di situs (contohnya: Luxor 2)
3. Tools OllyDbg v1.10, download di link ini
Kalo dah siap semua alat-alatnya, langsung aja kita lakukan:
1. Install game tersebut di PC atau Laptop anda. Di game tersebut telihat ada batas waktu dan inilah yang disebut Trial Version.

2. Buka tools OllyDbg V1.10. Lalu open dan cari lokasi game tersebut yang sudah diinstal (C:\Program Files\GameHouse\Luxor 2). Yang akan kita open adalah file berekstensi .dll yang merupakan komponen penting dari game tersebut, yaitu luxor2res.dll (lihat gambar)

3. Kalo terbuka, lalu tekan CTRL+F , masukan kata call isTrial , klik FIND (lihat gambar)

4. Jika sudah ketemu, lalu tekan ENTER (lihat gambar)

5. Setelah itu, klik 2x maka akan muncul kotak dan ganti isinya dengan MOV EAX,0 (lihat gambar)

6. Itulah intinya untuk mematikan fungsi Trial Version dan mengubahnya menjadi Full Version.
7. Kalo sudah, klik kanan disembarang tempat, lalu pilih copy to executable ? all modifications (lihat gambar)

8. Pilih copy all (lihat gambar)

9. Lalu klik kanan, pilih SAVE dan seterusnya pilih YES (lihat gambar)

Nah, coba jalankan game tersebut dan hasil adalah game tersebut menjadi Full Version (lihat gambar)

Selesai! Selamat menikmati.
Manusia Di Bakar Hidup-Hidup
lebih rendah dan biadab dari binatang !!!
Lebih lengkap cek gambar aja deh gan.. :
Aaoa dan bagaimana pendapat agan,om,tante, tentang peristiwa di atas?
share komentarnya ya.
sumber artikel :
New Hyundai Blue2 Fuel Cell Concept Debuts at Seoul Motor Show

The 2011 Seoul Motor Show that runs in South Korea from March 31 to April 10 plays host to the world premiere of the all-new Hyundai Blue2 concept study. The name ‘Blue2’, which is read ‘Blue square’, is a combination of Hyundai’s sub eco-brand ‘Blue Drive’ and the number `2’ from H2, the symbol for hydrogen gas.
Codenamed HND-6, the prototype is Hyundai’s first sedan-style Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV). The four-door saloon is powered by a fuel cell electric system that delivers a stack power of 90kW or 121HP and fuel economy of 34.9km/ℓ (of hydrogen, of course), which is equal to 82mpg US and 2.9lt/100km. The concept is also equipped with low-resistance tires and alloy wheels which are designed to improve aerodynamic performance.
New Hyundai Blue2 Fuel Cell Concept Debuts at Seoul Motor Show

The 2011 Seoul Motor Show that runs in South Korea from March 31 to April 10 plays host to the world premiere of the all-new Hyundai Blue2 concept study. The name ‘Blue2’, which is read ‘Blue square’, is a combination of Hyundai’s sub eco-brand ‘Blue Drive’ and the number `2’ from H2, the symbol for hydrogen gas.
Codenamed HND-6, the prototype is Hyundai’s first sedan-style Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV). The four-door saloon is powered by a fuel cell electric system that delivers a stack power of 90kW or 121HP and fuel economy of 34.9km/ℓ (of hydrogen, of course), which is equal to 82mpg US and 2.9lt/100km. The concept is also equipped with low-resistance tires and alloy wheels which are designed to improve aerodynamic performance.
20 Alasan Mengapa Kita Harus Cinta Indonesia

1. cuma di Indonesia seseorang bisa punya KTP lebih dari 1
2. cuma di Indonesia seseorang bisapunya SIM tanpa test
3. bahkan. cuma di Indonesia seseorang bisa nyetir tanpapunya SIM
4. cuma di Indonesia jumlah Blackberry Black Market yang beredar lebih banyak dari Blackberry yang legal
5. cuma di Indonesia Duta Anti Narkoba ketangkep make shabu
6. cuma di Indonesia anak SD bisa beli rokok
7. cuma di Indonesia pemerintahnya murah hati. bagi-bagi pulau,lagu daerah,sampetarian daerahgratiss!!!
8. cuma di Indonesia segala urusan bisa beres pake uang!
9. cuma di Indonesia kita bisa buang sampah dimana-mana tanpa denda
10. cuma di Indonesia kita bisa naik angkutan umum tanpa harus nunggu di halte.dimana aja bisa(asal ga ad polisi)
11. cuma di Indonesia makanan-makanan bekas dan kadaluwarsa bisa disulap jadi makanan siap jual lagi
12. cuma di Indonesia kita bisa off road di jalan raya
13. cuma di Indonesia pesawatnya ga di apa-apain bisa jatoh
14. cuma di Indonesia,jembatan baruuu banget jadi,mur bautnya udah pada ilang buat di loakin
15. cuma di Indonesia jalan raya,bisa jadi kolam renang
16. cuma di Indonesia ada orang bisa nyebrang jalan tol @ Reza Muzay Blog
17. cuma di Indonesia kita bisa lesehan di atas kereta api yg lagi jalan
18. cuma di Indonesia orang ga lulus kuliah bisa jadi presiden. orang ga bisa liat aja bisa jadi presiden! Hebat ga tuh..
19. cuma di Indonesia kita bisa nonton DVD dengan kualitas bagus hanya dengan membayar Rp.7000! malahan ada yang Rp.6000
20. cuma di indonesia seorang ABG bisa menimbulkan kontroversi hebat. Diperkosa pangeran, dinikahin sama si pangeran, abis itu disiksa, terus pulang dan memberitahukannya ke seluruh dunia tentang penderitaannya... oh iya..dan dapet job sinetron bernilai milyaran rupiah bahkan sebelum kasusnya selesai
sumber artikel :
Tips Trick Gratis Telphon Dengan Provider Manapun (Semua Operator)
Temen-2 ini agak rahasia...
tolong jangan disebarluaskan. Saya sudah mencobanya,
dan terbukti membuat kantong tidak
terganggu dan tetap tebal...
Trik menggunakan HP tanpa pulsa.
Ini adalah trik yang bisa dicoba, disadap dari sumber
yang tidak mau disebutkan namanya
karena tidak mau ketahuan.
Sebenarnya, saya sedikit enggan memberikan trik yang di temukan ini, Ilmu meen, masa kasih gratis?? Tapi setelah saya pikir-pikir lagi, apalah arti keberadaan saya di dunia ini jika untuk ilmu saja (bukan materi) saya enggan berbagi...
Manfaatkan kelemahan sistem ponsel Anda sehingga Anda
bisa main telepon dengan GRATIS, kemana saja,
berapapun lamanya!!!
Yang dibutuhkan adalah cuma beberapa menit untuk
mempelajari tulisan ini dengan teliti sekaligus
langsung mempraktekkannya ke ponsel Anda.
Inilah yang akan saya share ke teman-teman sekalian.
Langkah Pertama :
Catat spesifikasi ponsel Anda meliputi :
1. Merk (misal Nokia, Siemens, Motorola,dll)
2. Jenis (misal 3210, M35, 3310, T18S)
3. No IMEI (optional, tapi sebaiknya dicatat, kalau
ada masalah)
Langkah Kedua :
Siapkan segera no telpon yang akan dituju! , serta
amati kuat sinyal pada indikator. Sebaiknya sinyal
pada posisi maksimum,artinya Anda tidak boleh terlalu
jauh dari base station, atau bila Anda berada dalam
ruangan tertutup, sebaiknya Anda keluar atau mencari
tempat dimana kuat sinyal diterima maksimal. Pastikan
no telepon yang Anda tuju siap untuk menerima
telepon, ini bisa Anda lakukan dengan menelepon,
kemudian tutup (missed call). Bila sedang sibuk,
tunggu sampai idle. @ Reza Muzay Blog
Langkah Ketiga :
Lakukan prosedur eksekusi berikut :
1.Tekan tombol bintang (*)
2.Tekan tombol angka konversi untuk merk Anda :
Nokia : 23
Motorola : 17
Ericsson : 45
Samsung : 19
Siemens : 20
Untuk merk lain sedang dalam proses pencarian.
3.Tekan tombol seri ponsel Anda :
Misal :
Nokia N3210 = 3210
Ericsson T10S = 10
Ericsson A6188 = 6188
Jadi ambil angkanya saja.
4.Tekan tombol pagar (#)
5.kuti dengan nomor telepon yang akan dituju :
Format : kode negara + kode wilayah + no telepon
Kalau yang ditelepon di Medan,nomernya
123456, maka harus ditekan: 6261123456
Kode negara : 62 dan Kode wilayah : 061
6.Tekan tombol pagar (#)
Jadi sebagai contoh kalau saya punya ponsel Nokia
2100, dan ingin menelpon ke Palembang dengan no
telepon 370066(kode kota 0711), maka saya harus mene!
kan :*232100#62711370066#
Silahkan periksa sekali lagi sebelum kita melakukan
eksekusi terakhir!!!
Pastikan pada layar ponsel Anda tertera karakter
dengan urutan yang benar! Kesalahan penggunaan bisa
menyebabkan kartu Anda tidak berlaku lagi, dan saya
tidak bertanggungjawab untuk hal tersebut. Jadi
silakan periksa sekali lagi.
Sebelum Anda tekan Enter atau Call,yang harus Anda
perhatikan bahwa anda HARUS segera mematikan ponsel
pada hitungan antara detik ke-2 dan ke-3!!! Tidak
boleh LEBIH dan tidak boleh KURANG!!! Anda bisa
melakukannya pada detik ke 2.1 atau 2.4 atau 2.7
setelah penekanan tombol Call.
Sebaiknya Anda mempersiapkan jam tangan, lebih baik
bila ada stopwatch-nya. Setelah itu Anda bisa bicara
sepuasnya, mau beberapa jam, mau beberapa hari atau
bahkan berbulan-bulan, mau berteriak sekerasnya,
dijamin Anda tidak akan mengeluarkan biaya kecuali
yang telah dijelaskan di atas. Sebaiknya Anda berb!
icara jangan di depan muka umum, karena akan memalukan
Anda sendiri.
Kalau sudah puas atau sudah lelah berbicara, silakan
nyalakan kembali ponsel Anda, siapa tahu ada orang
yang serius mau menghubungi Anda.
Kasihan dia, mau menelepon Anda tapi masuk ke mailbox

makanya bacanya jangan terlalu serius masa' mau nelpon
nggak mau keluar pulsa, yang bener aja, ha ha ha ha ha
hi hi hi hi hi (Jangan kaya orang susah ah J) .......
nah kena deh..ya.. hukakakakakkaaaa peaceeeaoutttt:-"
Peace.... ya...

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